MN State Fair Volunteers: Thank you in the Biggest Way!
A hearty “thank you!” to our amazing State Fair volunteers, who demonstrated tirelessly all 12 days of the fair! We are so grateful to those who joined us in sharing their love for fiber arts. At left, spinner Stacey Koehler demo’s on the last day of the fair.
A shout out to the Interest Groups who showcased their groups by demonstrating and talking about their work: the Rag Rug Study Group and NOW (New & Occasional Weavers). A special thank you to the annual Sheep to Shawl demo.
Education Manager Betsy Konop and volunteer Morgen Ruff installed the monitor and managed the tech for the slideshow, Beth McLaughlin installed the guild samples. Gayle Groebner and Nancy Gossell cleaned and organized the space prior to opening, while Steve Pauling and Tom Skogstrom warped the floor loom. Whew!