Remember this? You may have seen a Sami grene (small blanket or rug) being woven on it at the WGM booth at Shepherd’s Harvest in May or at the Farmer’s Market in Northeast Minneapolis in September. If you somehow missed it, you will have an opportunity to see this loom again on Thursday, Dec. 14th, starting at 5:30 p.m. at WGM, prior to our annual potluck meeting. Come see it, try it, and talk to us about upcoming opportunities to learn how to weave on a warp-weighted loom starting sometime soon. Sign up sheets will be posted for those wanting to hear more. In addition, If you are interested in helping plan a program surrounding historical textiles and the pre-Industrial Age tools and fiber techniques used to create them including, but not limited to, the warp weighted loom, there will be a separate sign up sheet for that. Please contact Melba with any questions.