With a little guidance, spinning can be a relaxing and pleasurable way to create custom yarn. The Weavers Guild of Minnesota offers a variety of classes for people interested in learning to spin. This handy guide offers more insight into the various beginning spinning classes offered regularly at WGM. Each class below utilizes a different tool for spinning, from sticks and spindles to wheels and electric-powered spinners. Most beginner classes use traditional sheep fiber, but we are happy to make accommodations for those who are vegan or sensitive to wool.
Spinning on a wheel requires the use of hands and feet. E-spinning takes the feet out of the equation and instead utilizes an electric-powered motor to spin a bobbin at a consistent speed. This allows new spinners to focus on coordinating your hand choreography, but also allows one to spin more consistently. In this three-hour class, students will learn how to operate an e-spinner and turn sheep wool into yarn. E-spinners will be provided as part of the class fee. E-spinners are also available for use on site at the Weavers Guild after the class wraps up.
Drop Spindle
Similar to e-spinning, drop spindles do not require any footwork. Spinning with a drop spindle is not only portable and affordable, but mobile as well. In other words, once you get the hang of it, you can spin yarn while walking around. In this three-hour class, students will pick up basic spinning vocabulary while learning how to use a drop spindle. Fiber and drop spindles will be provided as part of the materials and class fees.
Spinnekrok spinning is very similar to drop spindle spinning, only instead of a spindle, you use a stick. That’s right – you spin using a stick! In this three-hour class, students will make and learn to use a spinnekrok to create lofty yarns. The instructor will also cover how to prepare fiber for successful spinning. The instructor will provide sticks, or bring your own (as long as it has a fork)!
Beginning Spinning on a Wheel
In this class, students will get acquainted with wool roving, spinning vocabulary, and various tools used to prepare fiber for spinning. Then, students will learn and practice steps to spin their own yarn using a wheel. Students will have the opportunity to learn about and try a variety of wheels at WGM. For the third class, students are welcome to bring their own wheel if they know it is in good working order.
Don’t hesitate to email education@weaversguildmn.org with questions about our classes. For information about private lessons, visit our Private Lessons page. For more information about beginning weaving classes, visit our Class Guide for New Weavers.