Meet the New and Occasional Weavers Interest Group
Ask! Learn! Share! All welcome!
We’re a group of -yes- new weavers and occasional weavers but wait! There’s more! Join us if you would like to get an introduction to a variety of weaving topics. We meet for about 90 mins once a month. Our format is usually a presentation on the month’s topic, followed by time for questions. We wrap up with show and tell from those present. This is a learning opportunity by members, for members!
Meeting notices are posted on and on Facebook. We also post handouts and notes on these two sites after each meeting. Both of these are private groups. Go online and request to join. We are continuing to meet over Zoom and have seen attendance growth over the past two years. Meetings are on the second Sunday of the month at 1pm. Guild members have felt free to attend based on an interest in that month’s topic. Some join in every month and others attend more sporadically. All are welcome.
In the past few years, here are some of the topics we’ve covered:
Weaving structures and techniques: Overshot, Doubleweave / Deflected Double Weave, Taquete, Theo Moorman technique, Rep weave, Krokbragd, Rosepath, Monk’s belt, Crackle.
Weaving basics: Weaving tools, shuttles, reading a draft, profile drafts, weaving project records, use of tabby, sett, yarn balance, weaving knots, wet-finishing, tips of buying a loom (pin, rigid heddle, floor).
Special Techniques: supplemental warp, sectional warping, using a warping trapeze, inlay weaving.
We have enjoyed presentations and discussion of yarn characteristics, including meetings which focused specifically on silk and chenille. We have explored weaving resources and sources for inspiration, including the phenomenal website, We even get in a bit of touring now and again. Two recent ones were virtual: the studio of Maximo Laura in Peru and the Vavstuga School of Weaving in Massachusetts. The third one was a field trip to Nancy Ellison’s Sheep Farm.
We look forward to seeing you!
Facebook: WGM New and Occasional Weavers