Order from Schacht Spindle
In need of a new loom, warping supplies or spin
ning wheel? As a dealer for
Schacht Spindle, WGM can special order equipment we might not have room for in the shop–like floor looms and larger rigid heddles. Pay a small fee to have it shipped to your home, or pick up some items at WGM for no charge. Email Karin
info@weaversguildmn.org for more info.
Shop at
smile.amazon.com and they will donate part of your sale to WGM, at no cost to you.
Halcyon Yarn Guild Rewards
When placing orders at Halcyon Yarn, mention you are a member of the Weavers Guild of Minnesota and 5% of your sale will be rewarded to our guild. You must mention you are a member with every purchase.
When you click this link to start your purchase, the Woolery website can track your purchase back to WGM and part of your sale will be rewarded to our guild. WGM’s link: