The Future residency invites artists, weirdos, punks, analog photographers, witches, healers, mediums, esoteric researchers, zinesters, astrologers, acupuncturists and beyond to engage with the space and community. This includes public, performance, and installation artists, those working in social practice and beyond.

Residencies last ten days, give or take, and residents are asked to culminate their stay in an exhibit, workshop, talk, presentation, seance, public art project, procession, publication, dinner or otherwise.

Residents have access to a small workspace room with a bed, a shared larger work/exhibition/workshop space with a shared kitchen, and a shower, bicycle, and magical library. In the heart of the Witch District!

We are partnering with the Weaver’s Guild of Minnesota to offer residents a free class and use of their equipment/work space (dates to be scheduled depending on class availability, with the artist to pay any supply fees.)

There is no cost for the residency. If you’re able to donate to the space, great! If not, no worries–ability to pay is not a factor in choosing residents.

The residency hosts one person at a time.

WTF folks especially encouraged to apply.

Open residency dates are:
February 14-21
February 27-March 6
March 14-21
March 23-April 1
April 3-12
April 15-24

|JULY 15


Have a question about The Future residency? Email

Check out the Future’s recent press in Mpls St Paul Magazine here>